Incheon National University Humanities College Special Lecture on Humanities Sharing Community Knowledge

홍보팀 (032-835-9490)

Incheon National University Humanities College Special Lecture on Humanities Sharing Community Knowledge

Incheon National University College of Humanities (President Lee Kun-sang) will hold a special lecture on humanities for citizens, students, and faculty members. 

According to Incheon National University, special lectures will be held offline and online every Thursday (15:00-17:00) for a total of five times from March 21 to April 18 in collaboration with the Sunrise Library in Yeonsu-gu.

The special lecture is called "Inferring the Deep of Society," and it is prepared to explore how mystery novels, which expose forgotten and concealed truths through various narratives and give readers both discomfort and catharsis, analyze and portray social pathologies and social ills such as violence and crime in Eastern and Western literary works, and what their implications are.


This special lecture will be held together with △ 3/21 (Thursday) Arthur Conan Doyle - "The Scarlet Study" (Choi Hye-rim, Incheon National University), △ 3/28 (Thursday) Georges Shimnong - "The Suspicious Latvian" (Sung Gui-su, translator), △ 4/4 (Thursday) Ryunosuke Akutagawa - "Rashomon" (Lee Kyung-hwa, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), △ 4/11 (Thursday) Agoseo Christie - "And There Was No One" △ 4/18 (Thursday) Kim Seong-jong - "The Last Testimony" (Kang Yong-hoon, Incheon National University). For more information, visit the Sunrise Library website.

In this regard, Incheon National University's College of Humanities said, "We have prepared readers to awaken their curiosity about the depth of society and their courage in the uncomfortable truth and learn the intellectual joy of taking a step closer to the complicated secrets of modern history."
